Centre for Advancing Practice – Primary Care Supervision and Assessment Lead
HEE has established the Centre for Advancing Practice to support education and training for advanced practitioners in England, with a South West Manager recently being appointed.
BNSSG Training Hub has set up direct links with the Centre, including regular meetings for updates on the latest information and guidance. For further information, or to submit queries about Advanced Practice in primary care, please contact the Hub’s ACP Lead, Kerri Magnus, at kerri.magnus2@nhs.net.
We are pleased to announce that our FCP (MSK) Lead will be joining the Hub Team this May. They will act as a focal point for the FCP roadmap, supporting PCNs and FCPs and facilitating delivery of the HEE roadmap.
In the meantime, if you have any queries regarding the FCP roadmap, please contact kerri.magnus2@nhs.net.
FCP (Paramedic)
The launch of the paramedic roadmap last week (end of January 2021) has understandably prompted many questions. Â A regional task and finish group has been set up, with representatives from NHSE / I, HEE, South Western Ambulance, and South Western systems to consider how best to support PCNs and community paramedics in the region. The South West HEE workforce team are also condensing the paramedic roadmap, and we will share the finalised document when available.
The BNSSG Training Hub team will shortly be appointing an FCP (Paramedic) Lead to champion development of the community paramedic role in BNSSG, too.
Pharmacy Technicians
There is funding available for pharmacy technicians to enhance their practice. Please consult the attachment below for more information on how to access this.
Clinical Supervision
Please see the attached information below on how to be a trainer or a supervisor.
Our ACPs are attending the Train the Trainers course in February and March, so we will roll out the teaching soon afterwards. We appreciate that supervision comes loaded with expectations, and we are hoping to address these.
We appreciate the focus has been on the new ARRS roles, but we have not forgotten you. In March, we are hopeful that the new HEE GPN Career Framework will be launched. We will be liaising with our GPN colleagues to see how this affects us.
Mapping the Workforce – A learning needs survey
We will shortly be launching a learning needs survey; we appreciate that everyone is extremely busy with COVID-19 vaccinations, but we hope you will be able to participate.
We are commencing with nurses, but our intention is to roll this out for all FCP / AP roles. The aim is to eventually map and benchmark all FCPs / ACPs against each roadmap or framework, thereby enabling us to identify the CPD modules we require from HEIs, to direct educational funding to support staff and enable us to progress and enhance patient care.