Following the Spending Review settlement for 2023 / 24, NHS England (NHSE) have confirmed the arrangements for continued professional development (CPD) funding for 2023 / 24.
This investment will provide eligible clinicians with funding to further their personal professional development, and will support system and population health priorities. The ultimate aim is to support the NHS by building the skills and expertise of our workforce, who are vital to both services and communities.
This funding is a one-year offer for the financial year 2023 / 24, following on from the previous three years of funding. Allocations for this year have been calculated using 2020 ESR headcount data, which may mean this value is slightly different from last year’s allocation.
How much funding is available?
The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per person.
What if learners wish to undertake a module that costs over £333.33?
Please note that the funding allocation is up to a maximum of £333.33; we do not have access to funding beyond this amount.
If the course exceeds £333.33, learners may wish to:
- Self–fund
- Request practice funding
- Apply for educational grants from other organisations, such as the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) or Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to liaise with other organisations on learners’ behalf.
Can it be used to fund PCN training for eligible individuals?
Practices can use allocated funds to best suit the continued professional development (CPD) needs of their eligible employees. They may decide to use it as individual practices, for individual employees, or group the money together for use as a PCN.
Which employees can this money be used for?
This money is for the following roles, provided individual learners are employed by PCNs or practices in BNSSG:
- Nurses
- Nurse Associates (NAs)
- Paramedics
- Physiotherapists
- Podiatrists
- Dietitians
- And Occupational Therapists (OTs)
Does the education need to be accredited?
No, funds can be used for any accredited or non-accredited professional development. This can include virtual or face-to-face training, events, conferences, and university or other Higher Education Institute (HEI) modules. The education does need to be relevant to the role and in line with the needs of the practice / PCN, however.
Please note:Â you should not utilise CPD funding for statutory and mandatory training, or backfill of staff.
Here are some examples of how learners may wish to use their allocation:
- NB Medical / Red Whale subscriptions
- Level 3 / M study at a HEI for individual employees with identified learning need(s)
- Group education within a practice or PCN, in accordance with identified learning need(s) — this could cover topics like:
- “Recognising the sick child”
- Sexual and reproductive healthcare
- Women’s health and menopause
- Mental health
- Long-term condition updates
Practices may have already put some of their budget for this financial year towards education, since April 2023; if so, practices can reclaim this funding retroactively, but will need to provide the following information:
- The role(s) of the individual(s) who were trained
- The course they attended
- The name of the provider
- The cost
What is the application process?
1. Learners should seek approval from their practice / line manager
2. Complete the CPD Funding application form
3. Check the availability of proposed learning
4. When funding has been approved, the practice should pay the provider directly and invoice BNSSG Training Hub (we will send invoicing instructions in the funding confirmation email)
If one person doesn't want to use their funding, can it be transferred to another person?
Unfortunately, learners cannot transfer their allocated funds to another individual. If the relevant practice / PCN wishes to hold group education sessions, other clinicians can attend if from the eligible roles.
For example:
A practice wishes to hold a menopause training event for eligible Nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs). The cost of the training is £666.66. There is no maximum headcount, so you may deem it suitable for ineligible staff (such as GPs, Physician Associates (PAs), and Clinical Pharmacists) to attend.
You must provide specific information if you wish to run group sessions, to be emailed to Nina Brown (TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager) for authorisation. The following information, specifically, must be disclosed:
- The role of the eligible individual(s)
- The course content
- The provider’s name
- The cost