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GP Return to Work Refresher Course

GP Return to Work Refresher Course

GP Return to Work Refresher Course

NovemberNov 11 2021 09:00 - 13:15

Are you a BNSSG-based GP due to return or recently returned to clinical work after a prolonged absence (due to maternity leave or ill health, for instance)? Would you like to boost your confidence and feel supported in your transition back to work following your career break?

This FREE one-day course, organised by BNSSG Training Hub's GP Fellow Dr. Pamela Curtis, can provide that support. We will be covering time management, the "new" appraisal process, consultation skills, useful clinical updates, and signposting to resources. An amazing career coach will be on-hand to guide you, and you will be able to network with GPs in a similar position.

To register your interest, please contact

  • BNSSG Training Hub
    Organizer of GP Return to Work Refresher Course
    Funded by Health Education England, the Hub's role is to unite and support all members of primary, community, social, and voluntary care within Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire.

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