Meds-Op: Overview of Parkinson's Disease

Meds-Op: Overview of Parkinson's Disease

Meds-Op: Overview of Parkinson's Disease

JanuaryJan 25 2022 12:30 - 14:00

Running from 12.30 - 14.00 (TBC) on Tuesday 25 January, with Dr. Rachael Ward (Consultant Geriatrician with an interest in movement disorders) and Hippolyte Fraser (Frailty Pharmacist specialising in Parkinson's Disease) to facilitate.

Dr. Ward will cover the Parkinson's Disease (PD) services in Bristol, plus the diagnosis and management of affected patients. Hippolyte will cover the medications used in PD, and how pharmacy can help patients. Both will also discuss the transfer of care complexities and what we all can do to support patients with Parkinson's Disease.

To book on to this session, please click here to access the sign-up form.

  • BNSSG Training Hub
    Organizer of Meds-Op: Overview of Parkinson's Disease
    Funded by Health Education England, the Hub's role is to unite and support all members of primary, community, social, and voluntary care within Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire.

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